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sustainable development goals and targets

Regular price R$ 274.352,93 BRL
Regular price Sale price R$ 117.982,54 BRL
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sustainable development goals and targets

Explore the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals and targets that aim to shape a better future for all. Discover how global efforts are focused on addressing key challenges to create a more inclusive and sustainable world.

In a world facing numerous challenges, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have emerged as a beacon of hope for a brighter future

These goals, set by the United Nations, encompass a broad range of issues including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice

Each goal has specific targets to be achieved by 2030, guiding global efforts towards a more sustainable and equitable world

By promoting economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection, the SDGs offer a comprehensive framework for transforming our world and leaving no one behind

Embrace this transformative journey towards a sustainable future and be part of a global movement striving to build a better world for present and future generations.

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